Editorial photography for Financial Times


When the Financial Times (UK) picture desk assigned me to do a new editorial photo series in Amsterdam, I was extremely happy to work on it. Beside a solid editorial photography assignment – where I put my focus on, the subject was also close to my heart: The housing situation in my hometown Amsterdam.

Sample of Financial Times website with editorial photography by Bram Belloni, Amsterdam
Tear sheet Financial Times – editorial photography by Bram Belloni, Amsterdam

Visually, the main focus was on the Amsterdam North, NDSM area. Where at the moment huge property development takes place. Passing by every month or so, I notice a new tower erected! Being an former heavy industrial area, this is the perfect example of gentrification.

To have the best visual impact of the change I decided to put a lot of effort picturing the skyline of the NDSM area. Since it is located at the river IJ, I shot a lot from the opposite bank, central-side. Using extreme tele lenses.

Amsterdam housing photo series - by editorial photographer Bram Belloni, Amsterdam for Financial Times
Amsterdam Housing – Youth in Amsterdam center-side with a view at NDSM area in full construction
Amsterdam, July 2021 – Bram Belloni for Financial Times
Amsterdam housing photo series - by editorial photographer Bram Belloni, Amsterdam for Financial Times
Amsterdam Housing – GVB Ferry stop, the main public transport line to the expanding NDSM area
Amsterdam, July 2021 – Bram Belloni for Financial Times
Amsterdam housing photo series - by editorial photographer Bram Belloni, Amsterdam for Financial Times
Amsterdam Housing – View from Amsterdam center-side with a view at NDSM skyline in full construction
Amsterdam, July 2021 – Bram Belloni for Financial Times
Amsterdam housing photo series - by editorial photographer Bram Belloni, Amsterdam for Financial Times
Amsterdam Housing – New estates NDSM area
Amsterdam, July 2021 – Bram Belloni for Financial Times
Amsterdam housing photo series - by editorial photographer Bram Belloni, Amsterdam for Financial Times
Amsterdam Housing – Residential development NDSM area as seen from existing neighborhood
Amsterdam, July 2021 – Bram Belloni for Financial Times

The article included interviews with local experts and persons concerned. Accompanied with portraits.

Sample of Financial Times website with editorial photography by Bram Belloni, Amsterdam
Tear sheet Financial Times – editorial photography by Bram Belloni, Amsterdam

Editorial portraits for New Scientist Magazine


For New Scientist magazine I have been assigned to do editorial portraits for the monthly article Opinie Interview.

Tearsheet publication New Scientist Magazine 79, July/August 2020. Interview epidemiologist Gowri Gopalakrishna - interview by Job de Vrieze, editorial photography by Bram Belloni
Epidemiologist Gowri Gopalakrishna in New Scientist Magazine 79, July/August 2020.
Interview by Job de Vrieze, editorial photography by Bram Belloni (click for bigger image)

In this item editor Jop de Vrieze and me meet researchers, scientists and academics from all sort of specialisms, giving a rather personal view on conducted research methods in their field.

Tearsheet publication New Scientist Magazine 77, May 2020. Interview energy transition expert Auke Hoekstra - interview by Job de Vrieze, editorial photography by Bram Belloni
Energy transition expert Auke Hoekstra in New Scientist Magazine 77, May 2020. Interview by Job de Vrieze, editorial photography by Bram Belloni (click for bigger image)
Tear sheet publication New Scientist Magazine 71, november 2019. Interview medical biologist Rik van der Kant - interview by Job de Vrieze, editorial photography by Bram Belloni
Medical biologist Rik van der Kant in New Scientist Magazine 71, november 2019.
Interview by Job de Vrieze, editorial photography by Bram Belloni (click for bigger image)

It is great to work on the same item for a few years now. Also because of the strict requirement by the magazine to shoot in black and white. Which happens not so much nowadays. And forces me as photographer, to reinvent looking in black and white.

Editorial Portrait: Casper Thomas for Folia Magazine


For Folia Magazine, I was out for a portrait of Dutch journalist and author Casper Thomas. Thomas wrote Competente Rebellen (Competent Rebels), a publication about the 2015 Maagdenhuis occupation at the University of Amsterdam.

Picture had to be taken with Maagdenhuis in the background. The situation 10 minutes before shoot:


Portrait photography on the streets can be challenging; you can almost never have full control of all things in a crowded area. I let things just happen and try to take benefit from the element of surprise.

The Netherlands, Amsterdam, 02 October 2015. Portrait Casper Thomas, Dutch journalist and author Competente rebellen, publication about the 2015 University of Amsterdam Maagdenhuis occupation. Picture taken in front of the Maagdenhuis. Photo: Bram Belloni *DIGITAL ALTERED IMAGE* / Nederland, Amsterdam, 02 oktober 2015. Portret Casper Thomas, journalist en auteur Competente rebellen, een publicatie over de Universiteit van Amsterdam Maagdenhuis bezetting van 2015. Foto genomen voor het Maagdenhuis. Foto: Bram Belloni *DIGITAAL GEMANIPULEERD BEELD* / (c) 2015, www.belloni.nl
Casper Thomas, tear sheet Folia Magazine 06-2015
Editorial photography Bram Belloni for Folia Magazine

And there was, in this case, some digital altering involved.

The result in de publication (click image for larger view):

Casper Thomas, tear sheet Folia Magazine 06-2015
Editorial photography Bram Belloni for Folia Magazine

> Read more: Competente rebellen | Amsterdam University Press
> Read more about: Magazine – Folia