Editorial Portrait: Jan Drost for Folia Magazine


For Folia Magazine, a publication of the University of Amsterdam, I did a an editorial portrait of Jan Drost, Dutch philosopher and author.

The art directors idea was to do a portrait based on a classical Greek statue or bust.

Working on that idea, I thought it would be great to do it all in the shot, without digitally altering afterwards. The preparations:

By using a black shirt on a black background, we created the oval shape around the chest. This shape defines the bust portraits.

The Netherlands, Amsterdam, 27 May 2015. Portrait Jan Drost, Dutch author and philosopher, docent at Hogeschool van Amsterdam. Photo: Bram Belloni / Nederland, Amsterdam, 27 mei 2015. Portret Jan Drost, auteur en filosoof, docent aan de Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA). Concept; greek, classical world, bust, statute, philosophy. Foto: Bram Belloni / (c) 2015, www.belloni.nl
Jan Drost, philosopher and author
May 2015, Bram Belloni for Folia Magazine

The second option was the portrayed wearing a Greek chiton.

The Netherlands, Amsterdam, 27 May 2015. Portrait Jan Drost, Dutch author and philosopher, docent at Hogeschool van Amsterdam. Photo: Bram Belloni / Nederland, Amsterdam, 27 mei 2015. Portret Jan Drost, auteur en filosoof, docent aan de Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA). Concept; greek, classical world, bust, statute, philosophy. Foto: Bram Belloni / (c) 2015, www.belloni.nl
Jan Drost, philosopher and author
May 2015, Bram Belloni for Folia Magazine

The result in the publication (next to some smaller inserts):

Tearsheet Folia 29/2015, editorial photography Bram Belloni
Tearsheet Folia 29/2015, editorial photography Bram Belloni
(click for bigger image)

> art direction: Vruchtvlees
> read more about: Folia Magazine 29/2015
> read more about: Jan Drost