I AM GAY AND MUSLIM on Exhibition


The I am Gay and Muslim photo series is from 26 march till 25 may, 2013, on display at Amsterdam municipality Stadsdeelkantoor Oost.

Exhibition photo series I AM GAY AND MUSLIM by Bram Belloni, 26 march - 25 may 2013, at Amsterdam municipality Stadsdeelkantoor Oost, the Netherlands. Series is made after film documentary I AM GAY AND MUSLIM (2012) by Chris Belloni. (Bram Belloni)
Exhibition photo series I AM GAY AND MUSLIM 26 march – 25 may 2013, at Amsterdam municipality Stadsdeelkantoor Oost, the Netherlands.

Opening, by alderman Lieke Thesingh, already took place. The photo exhibition and various screenings of the film in Amsterdam East-area are facilitated by Stadsdeel Oost to discuss the topics of sexual diversity and tolerance.

I am Gay and Muslim photo exhibition Amsterdam Stadsdeel Oost
26 march – 25 may, 2013
Oranje-Vrijstaatplein 2, Amsterdam

> website Stadsdeel Oost